▼Crotor_light::ActorBase | Base interface and implementation for all actors, including supervisors |
Crotor_light::Actor< HandlersCount > | Convenient templated base class for user-defined actors |
▼Crotor_light::SupervisorBase | Base interface and implementation for all supervisors |
Crotor_light::Supervisor< HandlersCount, Actors > | Convenient templated base class for supervisor, which owns (stores) all it's child-actors |
Crotor_light::details::ChildState | Wrapper for holding child states in supervisor |
Crotor_light::Context | Root supervisor initialization tuple |
Crotor_light::EventConsumer | Iterator-like struct over expired time events |
Crotor_light::ActorBase::Handler | Runtime info about message subscription handler |
Crotor_light::ActorBase::handler_traits< T > | Helps method signature extraction |
Crotor_light::ActorBase::handler_traits< void(A::*)(M &)> | |
Crotor_light::ctx::interrupt | |
Crotor_light::ItemGuard | Message removal helper after message delivery |
▼Crotor_light::ItemQueueBase | Base class for queues |
Crotor_light::ItemQueue< Storage, ItemsCount > | Convenient helper for storing fixed amount of messages |
▼Crotor_light::Message | Base class for all rotor-light messages |
Crotor_light::message::ChangeState | State Change command, from supervisor/actor to actor |
Crotor_light::message::ChangeStateAck | State Change confirmation, from actor to supervisor |
Crotor_light::message::RefreshTime | Idle message, refreshes time and triggers expired timers |
Crotor_light::traits::MessageStorage< Ts > | Properly allocated & sized space for any user-defined message type |
▼Crotor_light::PlannerBase | Bookeeper of future events |
Crotor_light::Planner< TimeEventsCount > | Bookeeper of future events, templated for fixed amount of events |
▼Crotor_light::QueueBase | Base class for meta-queue (list of queues, ordered by priorities)) |
Crotor_light::Queue< Storage, Counts > | Conveninent helper for meta-queue (list of queues, ordered by priorities) |
Crotor_light::ctx::thread | |
Crotor_light::TimeEvent | Links together callback, data, timepoint and event id |